GMT Summer Internship

Our Global Management Trainee Internship program is designed to prepare the pipeline for our full-time Global Management Trainee program. The program is a great way to get to know our business and to get yourself noticed. Applications open in March and the placements run from June for 10 weeks. You'll be allocated to work in any function or a particular project in a specific area of our business and at the end of the placement, you'll be expected to present your results. You'll have the opportunity to make a direct impact on the business and influence key decisions. We'll give you access to training resources, senior managers and company events. Do well, make an impact and you could not only be fast-tracked to the later stages of our graduate programs, but it could be the start of a promising and flying career with us. To qualify, you'll need to be an undergraduate in any discipline.


  • To be eligible to apply, you'll have to be a penultimate-year undergraduate or graduate student in any discipline as long as you are determined to dream big, lead change and ready for the opportunity to create a real-word impact.


Our selection process is designed to make sure you're the right fit for our program but more importantly, we are the right fit for you.Here's what to expect:

Apply online

Cultural adaptation and personality tests

Structured/video interviews

The final interview

Offer letter