Home OUR ESG Value Smart Agriculture

Our Goals

100% of our direct farmers are skilled, connected and financially empowered

  • Our Ambition:

    Increasing farmers’ resilience and reducing production volatility through improved breeding and crop management practices is our key focus for our research and agronomy teams. The key to transforming agriculture at scale lies in research, knowledge, technology and financing. We leverage our know-how to advance agricultural development and measure our impact through yields, resource-efficiency, soil health and smallholder incomes.
  • Promoting Sustainable Agriculture Through Crop Innovation

    Abnormal and extreme weather events have been threatening both the quality and yield of crops due to climate change. We must work with our farming communities to help them maintain a high level of productivity and profitability.

Our Approach

  • Soil program

    We are building a soil health framework to support our farmers as well as promote biodiversity, water quality, and sequester GHG emissions. As we provide our farmers with the practices and tools they need to understand and improve the quality of their soil, it is important that we stay connected with them to effectively gather insights and tailor recommendations.
  • Biodiversity program

    Biodiversity loss impacts soil composition and water quality. Both factors affect the yield and quality of crops that we source. We want to better integrate biodiversity strategies across our supply chain. That is why we work with external partners to develop a standardized approach that can be tailored for each market.
  • Smart agriculture program

    We strive to continuously improve our products and we are one of the few brewers in the market that has committed to breeding better-quality malting barley.Through our barley programs we focus on enhancing the quality of local products.
  • Indoor hops farming project

    Each year, we import large quantities of high-end aromatic hops for our local brands in China. To save costs, ensure a consistent supply, and shorten our supply chain, our objective is to grow flavorful Cascade hops using local indoor farms, and look to develop similar scalable and sustainable long-term initiatives in future.

Smart Agriculture

  • Our Accomplishments

    100% of our direct farmers were skilled,100% were connected and 99% were financially empowered.
  • Our Initiatives

    Supported 1,224 farmers in India by the digitalizing supply chain to deploy real-time crop management protocols. Launched "Corona with Lime" rural economic transformation program to support farmers with lime plantation knowledge, technology and irrigation system in China.
  • Looking Forward

    ·We will continue digitalizing the supply chain to connect with our direct farmers and developing trainings to instil sustainable farming practices. This will help to support their financial empowerment – a long-term goal of ours. We will amplify our efforts placed on local sourcing and.developmental programs assisting farmers in growing their businesses and accessing the financial tools they need. We will increase the coverage of our soil testing program to maximize the potential of our farmers, support a healthy ecosystem and, ultimately, promote biodiversity.

Areas of Focus

  • Water withdrawal and risk assessment

    Our water replenishment project in India helped to create a farm pond to support irrigation.
    With reference to the World Resources Institute’s (“WRI”) Aqueduct tool and our internal custom-made water risk tool, we conduct a comprehensive, seven-step watershed management process at breweries located in water-stress areas annually and quarterly to classify each brewery from “Very High-Risk” to “Low to Medium Risk” sites.
  • Water usage

    We implement water reduction measures at all 48 of our breweries to reduce reliance on water withdrawals, while at the same time promoting water conservation within our workforce and breweries to guide water-saving practices.
    We also monitor the supply chain and apply the WRI Aqueduct tool to ensure that our agricultural commodities are not sourced from water-stressed areas or anticipated to face water stress.
  • Water discharges

    We monitor and review relevant regulations and standards in relation to effluent management intended to ensure 100% compliance in our breweries.
    We treat our effluent before discharge to prevent potential impacts associated with water pollutants and ensure that all parameters are within legal limits.
    Our breweries in India are all zero effluent discharge.
  • Water replenishment

    We aim to improve the availability and quality of water where we operate.
    We place high emphasis on China, the most populated country, and India, where many communities have limited access to clean potable water.

Water Stewardship

  • Our Accomplishments

    100% of our sites in APAC have conducted local outreach activities,determined water solutions specific to their community identified appropriate solutions.We have reduced our water use efficiency to 2.47 hl/hl (22% reduction against 2017 baseline).
  • Our Initiatives

    Created over 10 million ml of cumulative water rechargeat high-risk water shedsites.in India Initiated a WaterReturn Community Program in China to return approx.17 million hl of reclaimedwater. We implemented water reduction technology at breweries,including abiologicaltreatment system in China.

Case Study

Bud APAC Nanning
Brewery-Water Efficiency

Bud APAC Nanning
Brewery-Water Efficiency

Bud APAC Nanning
Brewery-Water Efficiency

  • Looking Forward

    Watershed management, water conservation and effluent management have been and will continue to be key focuses. We will continue our work to review the level of water stress across where we operate in APAC to develop partnerships that improve water availability and quality (especially in areas facing water stress), and to explore solutions for continuous improvement through our innovative R&D and collaboration with key stakeholders including industry players.