Home NEWS & MEDIA 2021 Climate Action Together - First Solar Power Project is Implemented in the Largest Glass Supplier Huaxing Group of Budweiser APAC

Climate Action Together - First Solar Power Project is Implemented in the Largest Glass Supplier Huaxing Group of Budweiser APAC

Release date:March 29, 2021

Climate Action is one of our four 2025 Sustainability Goals. In 2017, we are committed to secure 100% of our purchased electricity from renewable sources and we will have a 25% reduction in CO2 emissions across our value chain by 2025. Through the use of renewable electricity in our breweries, increasing brewing efficiency, our green logistics programs and ongoing innovation, we are continuously improving our impact on the environment. To further decrease carbon emissions across the entire supply chain, we are actively working with and supporting our suppliers to help them to reduce their own carbon emissions.

Budweiser 2025 Sustainability Goals – Climate Action

Packaging is one of the most important segments of our supply chain, and represents over 40% of total carbon emission. So since June 2020, we are actively engaging with our packaging suppliers to help them reduce their carbon emissions. As the largest glass supplier of Budweiser APAC, Huaxing Group is one of our strategic partners in business and sustainability. Based on our own experiences, we actively shared with Huaxing our renewable electricity strategy, solar project in Putian Brewery and the EaaS (Energy-as-a-Service) cooperation model with third-party energy suppliers. Through this cooperation and our guidance, Huaxing Group incorporated solar as a key energy source for their operations and has built up a comprehensive action plan for 8 plants, covering 311km2 rooftop. Total estimated generating capacity is around 28MKWH per year, leading to a total of more than 21k tons of annual CO2 emission reduction. Implementation of the whole plan means that the production of 10% of the bottles Budweiser APAC purchased from those plants are powered by renewable electricity.

In March 2021, the first on-site solar project is implemented in Huaxing Zhejiang plant. Following projects involve another 7 plants in Foshan, Putian, Harbin and other cities throughout the country, which also puts Huaxing Group in the lead in driving sustainability in China’s glass industry and bringing positive impact on the peers.

Solar Panel in Huaxing Zhejiang Plant

This marks the first milestone of our sustainability supplier engagement plan. Bringing people together for a better world is the purpose of our company. Budweiser APAC will keep driving suppliers across our value chain to take participation in the sustainability journey together for a better world.