Home NEWS & MEDIA 2021 OBC and KoROAD (Korea Road Traffic Authority) held the ‘Award Ceremony for Dedicated Policies of Drunk-Driving Prevention’

OBC and KoROAD (Korea Road Traffic Authority) held the ‘Award Ceremony for Dedicated Policies of Drunk-Driving Prevention’

Release date:April 07, 2021

OBC held the 5th annual ‘Award Ceremony for Dedicated Polices of Drunk-Driving Prevention’ in partnership with KoROAD(Korea Road Traffic Authority). At the event, OBC and KoROAD bestowed 15 awards to Dedicated Polices and others, while OBC received a recognition award for continuously making positive contributions to the local community in Road Safety.

OBC and KoROAD have been cooperating since 2016 under the MOU(Memorandum of Understanding) to discover and reward Dedicated Polices, who have contributed to drunk-driving prevention. This is part of the nationwide drunk-driving prevention campaigns. This year, a total of 15 officers from police department, road traffic related organization, and Korea Best Driver Association were selected and each was given an award certificate along with a prize for bringing remarkable contributions to drunk-driving prevention.

An official stated, “We appreciate the hard work of the award recipients who have dedicatedly worked hard to eradicate drunk-driving even during this COVID-19 pandemic.”